
灵感 季节性的庆祝活动

排灯节以其以蜡烛为特色的灯光表演而闻名, 灯和烟花

如果您正在预订您的 奥克兰之旅 最后一分钟,我们帮你搞定了. 以下是一些顶级旅游和体验!
奥克兰 是新西兰一些顶级节日的举办地, 所以在你的日历上有很多令人兴奋的bet9注册登录可以标记.
从 delicious food gatherings and cultural celebrations, to international film and fashion bet9注册登录奥克兰的节日为每个人提供了一些东西. 这里有7个最好的开始.
这个城市最受欢迎的夏季活动之一, 奥克兰元宵节是一场精彩的中国美食庆典, 烟花, 武术, 跳舞, 现场音乐和更多. 主要的庆祝活动在 阿尔伯特公园 over three nights but there is also lantern-only night before they begin for a more relaxed viewing of the colourful lit decorations. This well attended festival  has just celebrated its 15th year and has grown remarkably in size over the years. 第二场地, 同样的晚上,皇后码头也会举办户外电影放映, 烟花从 天空塔 在最后的夜晚.
地点:阿尔伯特公园 & 皇后码头/时间:二月.
骄傲的节日 彩虹社区会在二月举行,为期两到三周. 许多活动中包括音乐会, 舞会, 野餐, 诗歌会和变装表演. 的 celebrations kick off with the official 奥克兰 Pride Gala and finish with the 的 Pride Parade. 游行被认为是非官方的高潮, 并以女同性恋的身份吸引了数百人围观, 同性恋, bi-sexual and transgender personalities from all walks of life travel the length of Ponsonby Road dancing, performing, wearing (or not wearing) colourful costumes for this bright spectacle. 
Featuring a hilarious line up of local and international acts, the New Zealand International 喜剧节 每年4月和5月在奥克兰举行,为期三周. Afterwards a Comedy Convoy travels to some of the smaller towns around the country. 的 Comedy Gala heralds the opening of the festival at the 公民剧院 with a televised showcase of some of the festival’s top comedians. 的 festival is extremely popular due to tickets not being outrageously expensive and plenty of different types of comedy on offer including: theatre, 草图, 音乐的。, 即兴表演, 站起来,甚至为孩子们做点什么. 
This lively festival is an important event for Indians worldwide who gather together to share blessings 与朋友和家人. 排灯节以其以蜡烛为特色的灯光表演而闻名, 灯和烟花, 象征着生命的新生, but these are just one of the reasons that makes it such a popular 奥克兰 festival. It is also a great chance for visitors of all ages and backgrounds to partake of Indian culture with over 50 craft and food stalls, 娱乐, 现场音乐和舞蹈, 传统的和现代的. 节日的亮点包括宝莱坞舞蹈比赛, street theatre performances and a colourful 烟花 display to finish the festival.
这是时尚达人期待的年度盛会, 新西兰时装周 已经跑了14年了吗. 它为该国的顶级和未来的设计师提供了一个平台, 向国际买家和贵宾展示他们的藏品, 以及普通大众. 一些大牌设计师包括:Trelise Cooper, 安娜Stretton, 赞比西和偷女友俱乐部. 受欢迎的活动包括“设计师选拔秀”, 哪一个能让我们一睹本周所有设计师的秀场, 以及提供时装秀的“时装周末”, 现场美容护理, 时尚研讨会和为淘便宜货的人举办的设计师车库甩卖.
这是美食家的绝佳节日, 奥克兰风情 is now in its fifth year and expanding to a new Western Springs location because of the high volume of visitor interest (over 23,000 in 2013). 的 start-of-summer festival features a growing number of local and international chefs keen to showcase their culinary talents. Not only will you get a chance to sample gourmet delights from some of the best food and producers in the country, you’ll be able to purchase goods to take home too. 从周四到周日, 节日有烹饪示范, 现场音乐, seminars from 酒 experts and signature dishes from some of 奥克兰’s best 餐厅.
影迷们满怀期待地等待着一年一度的电影节 新西兰国际电影节 七月期间在奥克兰持续两个半星期. This 图标ic winter festival has been running since 1969 and is hugely popular due to the amazing array of films shown; a programme of between 150 to 170. 这些被组织成类别,以便于选择,例如, 纪录片, 短片, 国家和各种主题. 电影在城市和城市边缘的几家电影院放映, but the most popular venue for a true theatre experience is the stunning 1930s 公民剧院 in 皇后大街. 热门电影和开幕之夜, 往往卖得很快, 即使在思域, 所以早点订票吧. 
有关活动的最新资讯,请浏览我们的 奥克兰活动日程表.